5 yoga exercises that help beautify the skin and slow down the signs of aging

Regular exercise is one of the most important and best lifestyles that can maintain the health of the body, as it has an effective role in supporting the functioning of blood circulation and stimulating it in a lively and healthy manner, which makes the body’s systems work in a healthy and highly efficient manner. In addition, these exercises may cause the body to sweat, which then removes toxins and cleanses the entire body. It is worth noting that all of these factors directly help the skin glow by making some internal improvements. For this reason, we decided today to learn about the best yoga exercises that are effective in preserving the beauty of the skin and their supportive role in slowing down the signs of aging.

Physical activities and physical healthPhysical activities and physical health

When we want to maintain physical fitness and health, we can choose any form of exercise that we enjoy, such as running, cycling, yoga, and swimming, even if it is limited to walking for a regular period of time daily.

In general, sports training should be consistent with individual characteristics, health conditions and correct training principles to ensure individual safety. In addition to the necessity of always listening to the body while performing these activities so that we can adjust the appropriate intensity of performance and avoid any complications that one may suffer from.

Yoga exercises that support skin beauty and slow down the appearance of signs of aging
Yoga exercises that support skin beauty and slow down the appearance of signs of agingYoga exercises that support skin beauty and slow down the appearance of signs of aging
Yoga exercises that support skin beauty and slow down the appearance of signs of aging

When deciding to practice yoga exercises to preserve the beauty of the skin, we must know that these exercises are easy for us to perform at home without the need for any special equipment. It is worth noting that they are as follows:

Firstly: Forward bending position
Forward bending positionForward bending position
Forward bending position

The yoga pose of forward bending plays a wonderful role in working on stretching the muscles with high intensity, which results in enhancing feelings of stress reduction, working to purify the blood, improving skin tone, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and preventing skin problems such as acne.

This exercise is performed by sitting on a yoga mat for this matter or any carpet with a suitable texture that helps in performing this exercise without creating feelings of discomfort. Then we work on extending the legs forward, inhale the air, and then bend forward with the hands on the feet in the Foster status for them.

Then the exhalation process takes place over a period of 10 seconds, and we return to the original position again, and from here we must repeat this exercise 3-4 times.

secondly: Form the arch
Form an archForm the arch
Form an arch

The yoga pose called (bow pose) helps the skin glow beautifully and smoothly by applying strong pressure on the abdomen, which helps remove toxins from the body. In addition, practicing this yoga exercise also effectively reduces stress and supports the ideal and healthy weight loss process.

This exercise is performed by lying on the stomach on the mat, with the arms on the thighs, and then we work on slowly bending the knees, placing the hands behind us, pulling the ankles while inhaling, and raising the chest area off the ground.

The hands hold the ankles and work to pull the chest up, creating a state of balance, and then the whole body is bent until it becomes like an arc. From here, we take a deep breath while following this position for 15-20 seconds, then we gently release the hands, rest the legs and chest on the floor and relax, and repeat this movement 3-4 times.

Third: Cobra pose
Cobra poseCobra pose
Cobra pose

When talking about the yoga pose called (Cobra), it is very important to know that it is one of the most important poses that maintains the health of the spine and back muscles, in addition to its wonderful role in supporting the process of absorbing more oxygen to obtain naturally healthy and youthful skin.

It is worth noting that when we want to perform this exercise, all we have to do is lie on the stomach and close the legs, bend the hands and direct the palms down, and move the hands slowly up to shoulder level, and then we raise the breath with the hands and work on inhaling the air and raising the head high.

We work on tilting the neck back so that it resembles a cobra position, then we squeeze the abdominal muscles and thighs so that the legs touch the ground. This position is adhered to for approximately 30 seconds, then we work to relax the body through the prone position.

Fourthly: Form sentences
Form sentencesForm sentences
Form sentences

The camel pose in the world of yoga is one of the most important poses that supports blood flow to the head and face, releases toxins from the body, and gives the skin a beautiful glow from the inside and outside. In addition to the role of this wonderful exercise in strengthening the abdominal muscles and relieving menstrual pain.

When wanting to perform this exercise, we must start in the kneeling position, keeping the back straight and working to extend the legs. Then slowly bend the body back so that the hands are on the legs, and your chest leans toward the ceiling.

To get the best results, perform this position for 15-20 seconds, then return to the original position and try to repeat it 3-4 times.

Fifth: Triangular conformation
Triangular conformationTriangular conformation
Triangular conformation

When you commit to practicing the triple pose in yoga, you must know that this will result in tightening the muscles, enhancing organ function, and keeping the facial skin in a state of glowing pink thanks to good blood circulation.

We can do this exercise by standing upright with the legs extended, about 3-4 feet apart, so that the tip of the left foot is straight, and the right leg is slightly turned outward, that is, leaning to the right. Then we bring the left hand straight down towards the tip of the foot.

In the meantime, we also work to raise the right hand slowly so that the hands form a straight line. Then we must look at the fingers of the right hand in a state of stability for a few seconds and then work to switch sides to get the best results.Here

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